Friday, December 7, 2012

Education System

As the world re-education has been accused of failing to build noble character in students. So, as usual, immediately appeared suggestions to improve the curriculum or the charge on the subjects. But, if the question were previously limited to issues most distant subjects or curriculum structure, Ajip Rosidi and probably many of the observers and the education, the more fundamental question. That is about the education system is still pointed at inherited colonial education system.

Recognized or not, the education system is running in Indonesia today is indeed a secular education system-materialistic. When referred to the national education system was inherited colonial education system, the secular-materialistic character is the most important, which was evident at the loss of transcendental values ??in all of the educational process.

The education system has failed to prove such a pious man who once gave birth to the challenge of development through the mastery of science and technology. Institutionally, the secularization of education produces educational dichotomy which has been running for decades, namely the education of "religion" on the one hand and public education on the other. Religious education through madrassas, religious institutes and schools are managed by the Ministry of Religious Affairs, while public education through primary, secondary and vocational schools and colleges generally managed by the Ministry of National Education.

Knowingly or not, developing assessments that education should be able to return the results of the investment that has been planted. Returns can be either degree, position, wealth or any equivalent to the value of the material that has been removed. Religion is placed in a position that is very individual. Transcendental values ??deemed inappropriate or unnecessary standards of judgment used as attitudes and actions. The place has been replaced by the ethical worth of material fact as well.

Secular Education Life section of Sekuler
The education system-sekuleristik material is actually just a mere part of the social life and state systems are also secular. In a secular system, rules, views and values ??of Islam are never intentionally used to organize a variety of fields, including education. Islam, as the religion in the Western sense, just placed in the affairs of individuals with god alone. Then, in the middle of the system was born sekuleristik order forms are far from religious values. That is the capitalistic economic order, political behavior opportunistic, hedonistic culture, social life and individualistic, egoistic, religious attitudes and paradigms sinkretistik materialistic education.

Fundamental Solution
Materialistic education is the fruit of life sekuleristik that proved humans have failed to deliver a figure of a whole person, ie a Abidu al-Salih were Muslih. This is caused by two things. First, a false educational paradigm in which the secular life of the system, the principle of education is also secular. Educational goals set also is the fruit of understanding sekuleristik, the mere form of human beings completely materialistic and individualistic sensible.

Second, the functional weaknesses in implementing the three elements of education, namely (1) weakness of the formal educational institutions as reflected in the curriculum as well as non-functioning mess teachers and the school / college as an educational medium, as appropriate, (2) do not support family life, and ( 3) the circumstances are not conducive.

Malfunction of teachers / lecturers and damage the learning process looks from the teacher who merely serve as teachers in the process of knowledge transfer (transfer of knowledge), not as educators who work in the transfer of knowledge and personality (transfer of personality), because the personality teachers / lecturers are no longer content themselves much imitated.

Weak supervision of children and lack of social model in the attitude of parents towards their children everyday, more and exacerbate the dysfunction as one element of executive education.

Meanwhile, public education should be a real media just plays the opposite result of the development of secular value system that looked good arrangement all aspects of life in the economic, political, including grammar daily life of a free and indifferent to religious norms; News stories in the media that tend to propagate negative things like pornography and violence, as well as the rare example in the community. Weaknesses in elements of the family and society is ultimately more diverse inject a negative effect on students. So what happens then is negative synergy effect to private students.

Therefore, completion of the basic problems of education should be fundamentally anyway, and it can only be diujudkan with, therefore, solve problems in basic education should be also fundamental, and it can only be diujudkan by overall improvement beginning of change secular education paradigm to paradigm Islam. While at the level of derivation, the three factors above weakness resolved by improving its functional strategies in accordance with the directives of Islam.

Solution at the level of paradigmatic.
Paradigmatically, education must be returned to the principles of the Islamic faith that would be the basis for determining the direction and purpose of education, curriculum and standards as well as the value of science teaching and learning process, including the determination of the qualifications of teachers / lecturers and culture of the school / college to be developed. Although the effect is not as big as the other elements of education, provision of facilities and infrastructure should also refer to the above principle.

Seeing the condition of the current educational objective, a necessary step is the optimization of the processes of formation of the Islamic personality (shakhsiyyah Islamiyya) and control tsaqofah Islam and improve the teaching of science-technology and expertise that already exists as a set of ontology, epistemology and axiology of science that is based on Islamic values, as well as integrating all three.)

Solution at the level of Functional Strategies
Integral education must involve three elements implementers: the family, school / college and the community. Poor children's education at home gives heavy burden to the school / college and increase the complexity of issues in the community. Meanwhile, the situation of poor people obviously make the values ??that may have been successfully implanted in the family and school / college to be less optimal. Moreover, if the education received in school is a bad idea, it was complete destruction of the three pillars of education.

In view of the Islamic education system, all elements of executive education should be a positive influence to the students so that the direction and purpose of education is supported and achieved together, not ideal conditions as described above must be addressed.

Functional strategic solutions virtually identical to initiate an alternative education system bersendikan in two ways that are more strategic and functional, namely: First, build a flagship institution in which all components are based on the paradigm of Islam, namely: (1) the paradigmatic curriculum, (2) teachers / lecturers are professional, trustworthy and kafa'ah, (3) Islamic teaching-learning process, and (4) the environment and culture of the school / college that is conducive to the achievement of educational goals optimally. By optimizing the learning process as well as to minimize the negative influences that exist, and at the same time increase the positive influence on the students, are expected to influence exerted on the positive personal protégé is in line with the directives of Islam.

Second, the wide open spaces of interaction with families and communities so that they can play role in supporting the educational process. Synergy positive influence of factors of school education / campus - family - community is what will make a personal protégé fully formed according to the will of Islam.

Departing from the above explanation, it is to achieve superior educational institutions is at least there are four components that must be prepared to support action solusif as conceived, the paradigmatic preparation curriculum, teaching systems, infrastructure and resource teachers / lecturers.

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